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Let’s face it, toilet training your toddler whether boy or girl is a major task of toddlerhood. Successful potty training depends on the readiness of both your child and you the parent. You must be willing to spend the necessary time and emotional energy to encourage your child on a daily basis. So, in this article I am going to explain to you what the physical signs for readiness are in your child as well as the psychologic signs. It is my aim that you find this to be the best toilet training advice for you and your child.
Is my child ready for toilet training?
Toilet training is one of the most frustrating and time-consuming tasks that you will face with your child. It is important that you know and understand normal growth and development patterns so that you will not become frustrated to the point of anger. Don’t place unrealistic expectations on your little guy or gal and don’t try to toilet train until you start seeing the following signs of both physical readiness and psychologic (mental) readiness.
1. Physical readiness signs:
- Child can remove own clothing.
- Child is willing to let go of a toy when asked.
- Child is able to sit, squat, and walk well.
- Child has been walking for 1 year.
2. Psychological signs:
- Child notices if diaper is wet.
- Child may indicate that diaper needs to be changed by pulling on the diaper, squatting, or repeating a word or phrase.
- Child communicates need to go to the bathroom or can get there by self.
- Child wants to please parent by staying dry.
Stressful situations interfere with success
If there are stressful situations going on in your life such as moving to a new home, starting a new job, the birth of another baby or the loss of a loved one or pet, then I recommend not toilet training your toddler at this time. All these things are nothing short of being considered “stressful life-changing times” and it is best that you postpone the toilet training for another time. Stressful situations will interfere with the success of your training efforts.
Children feel the tension in the home and they get upset too. They will not be able to process what they need to do if they see and feel your stress. Give yourself and your child the time to re-adjust to whatever the situation may be and remember, there is no rush. Your little guy or gal will be potty trained in the long run.
Training will be so much easier when your life’s routines return to “normal.”
Age range
When your toddler is around 18 to 24 months, you may begin to see the signs of readiness as listed above. However, waiting until he or she is around 24 to 30 months old makes this task considerably easier because toddlers at this age are less negative and usually are more willing to control their “peeing” to please their parents.
There are no set rules or timetables for toilet training. The age at which toilet training is usually begun varies from culture to culture and has no specific age range.
The training process – step-by-step
You’ve determined your child is ready for toilet training. Now, the next step is to go buy a potty chair and pull-ups (training pants). Pull-ups come in boy and girl styles too. Click either link or picture below to purchase!
Pull-Ups Learning Designs Training Pants for Boys
Pull-Ups Learning Designs Training Pants for Girls
Take your child with you when you go to purchase these items or pull them up online, but show your child what you are purchasing for them and let them get excited for these big boy or big girl potty chairs.
Click on the links or pictures below to see more and to purchase!
The First Years Disney Mickey Mouse Imaginaction Potty Training & Transition Potty Seat

The First Years Disney Mickey Mouse Imaginaction Potty Training & Transition Potty Seat

Now, for the steps to guide you in your training efforts:
- Place the potty chair in a specific spot (I think the bathroom is the best) and have your child wear training pants.
- Establish a routine. For example: take your child to the potty after getting up in the morning, after naps, after each meal, before bed.
- Use a sticker chart. Place in the bathroom (where the potty chair is). Give your child the sticker EVERY time he or she goes “potty.” This is rewarding and exciting for your child. Make a BIG DEAL about it!
- For boys: start them sitting down to “pee” first, before trying to teach them to stand.
- Do not punish mistakes! Your child is going to have “accidents” and it is to be expected. Whatever you do, never, never yell at or punish your child for this. It will only cause him or her to revert backwards and it will take that much longer to get him trained!
- Time and patience is a must! There are lots of claims out there that say you can train your child in 3 days. Don’t believe it. It is extremely rare that any child can be totally potty trained in 3 days. As a rule, be prepared for it to take some time before that happens. There is no set time limit – your child will eventually be trained.
- Be patient, be kind and understanding with your little one! Always, always reward each and every time your child uses the potty.
If your child resists being toilet trained, stop the training and wait 30 to 60 days and begin again. Please note that bowel control is usually achieved before bladder control. But there are some kids who achieve daytime bladder control before bowel control. Remember that not all kids are the same. Each of them are unique individuals and they toilet train differently. Never compare your child with another!
Regression and ways to overcome
Sometimes during the toilet training process, your child may have a few setbacks. If that happens, happens try using a different method. For example, take your child to the bathroom with you, set him (or her) on the potty and then you sit on the big person’s toilet. Give him time to go and talk to him telling him that you too are going potty.
Another method would be to try using the toilet instead of the potty chair. You will need a step stool and a toilet seat insert for training. Encourage your child to use the “grown-up” potty to be like mommy or daddy. This might do the trick. Always keep an open mind as to how to try different things. Remember the old adage – “If at first, you don’t succeed, try, try again.”

Closing thoughts
All of us live in a fast-paced world and we tend to get caught up in time limits and schedules. However, this is one area that you should never put a time limit or a tight schedule on. When it comes to our children and toilet training them, we must put our “patience hat on”, take a deep breath and be ready to slow down. Take your time with your child and give your child encouragement, lots of love, and rewards – you will never regret it!
Happy potty training!
Questions or comments?
Please feel free to post your questions or comments below and I will get back to you as soon as I can.
Thoughtfully yours,