Cute Shopping Cart Covers for Baby

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Have you wondered how you would keep your baby from germs when you have to go to the grocery store?  Or how about if you and your family go out to eat and have to use the restaurant’s high chair? Even though I believe they wipe the highchairs down after each use, they cannot possibly get “all” the germs. Now you enter the establishment and place your baby in that high chair. You have no way of knowing for sure that there are no germs on that chair unless you bring disinfecting wipes with you. So, on top of wiping things down yourself, a good idea is to have a cover. I have found cute shopping cart covers for baby that you can use for both shopping carts and for restaurant high chairs. Check it out below.

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Boppy Shopping Cart & Restaurant High Chair Cover

Let me introduce you to the Boppy Shopping Cart and Restaurant High Chair Cover. This great invention is made to fit inside a shopping cart so you can place your baby inside and keep him from touching any part of it.

This cover is machine washable so I recommend after every use you throw it in your washing machine. That way you can be sure your baby will be safe from any and all germs. I also recommend doing a quick wipe down of the shopping cart with a disinfectant wipe before placing the cover in the basket.

Attached toys

What I really like about this cover is that there is an attachment for a toy or a pacifier, so your little one can enjoy and entertain himself while you are shopping.

Comfort and safety

The Boppy cover is very “cushy” so your baby will really be comfortable while sitting in this. There is also a 2-point safety strap to keep him secured and safe.

Pick your pattern

Boppy has 5 different colors and patterns for you to choose from. I have listed them here:

  1.  City Squares Black and White
  2. Farmers Market
  3. Navy Blooms
  4. Park Gate Pink
  5. Sunshine

To see these colors and patterns, click this link.

Recommended age

The recommended age for this shopping cart/high chair cover is 6 to 48 months. This cover will go a long way for you and your child!

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Ratings are 4.8 out of 5!

According to Amazon’s customer ratings, this Boppy cover rates a 4.8 out of 5.

Parents are very pleased with this cover as they do not have to worry about taking their babies to the store and bringing home the flu! Babies like to put any and everything in their mouth including the handles to the shopping cart, but not with the Boppy cover. They will be safe from the nasty, germy carts and no one will have to worry about getting sick after a shopping trip.

Click the link below to check the price and get one for yourself! You will never regret it!!

Boppy Shopping Cart & Restaurant High Chair Cover

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Please note that this is of no additional cost to you.

High chair covers

Not only will the Boppy cover work well when you go shopping at the grocery store or other store such as Walmart, but this cover also works well when you go out to eat.

You can place this in the high chair and it will cover the entire area so your baby will not be exposed to the structure.

A Boppy preferred cover

There is another cute pattern I want to share with you. I have always loved unicorns and so I found this Boppy cart cover which is made up of pink flowers and unicorns.

Click the link below to check the price and get one today!

Boppy Preferred Shopping Cart & Restaurant High Chair Cover, Pink Unicorn


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About Boppy

The Boppy Company started in 1989 and they are well known for their award-winning Boppy Feeding and Support Pillows. They are what I believe to be number 1 for this pillow.

Everyone I know gets a “Boppy”, especially when planning on breastfeeding their babies. We have used these in my house for our babies and I absolutely cannot say enough how wonderful these items are.

They are back savers, arm savers and are the best for positioning your baby for feedings – whether you breastfeed or not. I used a Boppy just when bottle feeding my grandson as it really helps to keep the baby at proper positioning and really “saves your arm!”

My concluding thoughts

I really cannot say enough just how important it is to protect your baby from the germs found on public shopping carts and high chairs. I know it is always not possible to leave your baby at home with a sitter every time you need to go to the store.

This is why having this shopping cart/high chair cover is so important – for you and your baby! Especially now since 2020 with the Covid-19 pandemic, you really need to take precautions.

I sincerely hope you will consider purchasing one of these for your baby and also recommend other moms with babies to get one for themselves.

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Questions or comments?

Please leave your questions or comments in the comment section below and I will get back to you as soon as I can!

Always looking for the best for our babes,











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